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The reproduction of an image of the artist A.M.CASSANDRE may be granted only with specific conditions defined by a license agreement including a license number provided only by Roland Mouron, the only Estate of A.M.CASSANDRE.


All legal persons claiming to hold a copyright on AM.Cassandre for the purpose of marketing images of the same author can only be exposed to legal proceedings.

Any abuse of reproduction on any media can expose you to legal pursuits in conformance with Copyright laws and Trademarks regulations.


In the United States Pictures of the artist A.M.CASSANDRE are protected by the "Copyright Office of Washington ".

Roland Mouron's copyrights remains protected worldwide by the copyright laws of every country where the license agreement is placed.

To identify a licensee holder of a reproduction of AM.CASSANDRE on the web or any other media of reproduction, do not hesitate to contact Roland Mouron for a check.


Only a number of license and the agreement signed by the Estate of A.M.CASSANDRE, Roland Mouron, gives evidence of the respect for the moral rights bound to the reproduction of an image from the artist A.M.CASSANDRE.


A license number also guarantees the quality and the requirement of the criteria of reproduction based on professional standards of reproduction.


Numerous websites sell and reproduce or spread Posters or other by-products of the artist A.M.CASSANDRE, without any respect for the copyright involved. Be informed that all websites do not respect Copyrights and Trademarks engaged. 


An AM.CASSANDRE licensee respects the reproduction rights guaranteeing a high quality of reproduction. A Licensee remains held by a license agreement and a number of license. ,This Lince number has to be presented on his website or on any by-products reproduced or on the reproduced picture in the Copyright indication.


If a website proposes reproductions of the artist A.M.CASSANDRE, check the origin of this image with the unique Legal successor: Roland Mouron.

Posters of the artist A.M.CASSANDRE contain existing, active or non-active Trademarks, any forgery exposes you to legal proceedings.

Roland Mouron acts actively in the defense of his privileges in term of Intellectual Property. "AM.CASSANDRE" is a registered and protected Trademark. This Trademark is under the unique management of Roland MOURON, only Estate of A.M.CASSANDRE.



All the artistical productions of the author A.MCASSANDRE, due to the moral rights of Roland Mouron, Estate of A.M.CASSANDRE, reproduced on all websites are subject to a prior request for copyright clearance, and are also subject to a specific copyright notice, only defined by a license agreement signed by Roland Mouron.

By reproducing a work of the artist A.M.CASSANDRE on a website without a web license agreement, the offender expose himself to legal prosecution induced by our COPYRIGHT MONITORING SYSTEM.


We process at once for information to all payment platforms, like PAYPAL, AMEX, VISA, MASTER CARD but also GOOGLE  SEARCH Consol or any other official Web site Providers for resale or reproduction, in case of Copyright Infringement for the artist A.M.CASSANDRE, so that any offender can no longer harm the principle of copyright and consequently can be delisted from GOOGLE tools and can lose all rights to use the means of payment or use of his website. 

We work closely with all entity acting on the web and dedicated actors taking very seriously any case of Copyright Infringement.


© All reproductions of the works of the author A.M.CASSANDRE on the web or any other media, must be submitted to a prior request for a license under the moral rights of the sole rightful owner A.M.CASSANDRE. In case of evidence of use as in case of unauthorized reproduction, or in simple case of verification of the Copyright for a media of communication or promotion in a said country, you remain likely to be the object of a recovery by our official representatives of recovery on the Web (Copytrack, Pixtrakk, Copyrights World).





"Any representation or reproduction in whole or in part without the consent of the author or his successors or assigns is unlawful" and constitutes an infringement (cf. French article L122-4 of the Intellectual Property Code).


The exhibition right is the right that allows artists to receive remuneration for the public exhibition of their works.


Since 1957, it is an integral part of the right of representation defined in article L. 122-2 of the French Intellectual Property Code, which expressly aims at the public presentation of works.


For the UNITED STATES, we proceed only under ARTISTS RIGHTS SOCIETY (ARS ) in representaion of A.MCASSANDRE Copyrights. 


For UNITED KINGDOM, we proceed only under DESIGN AND ARTISTS COPYRIGHT SOCIETY (DACS ) in representaion of A.MCASSANDRE Copyrights. 


For JAPAN, we proceed only under  JAPANESE SOCIETY FOR PROTECTING ARTISTS RIGHTS ( JASPAR ) in representaion of A.MCASSANDRE Copyrights. 


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